Control & regulate in perfection!

Cost-intensive planning, construction and documentation of control cabinet systems and controls become superfluous!

The dispensing-capable compact controller C100-4.0® was designed by H. Sigrist & Partner AG for industrial applications in the areas of production, development and research. An integrated computing unit enables the implementation of various process specifications, such as the monitoring and evaluation of certain process parameters.

The all-new ODC-10x module is the C100-4.0®’s natural extension and grants the utmost precision for absolute movements. Motion tasks relying on linear axis systems or conveyor applications can now be integrated into the program flow while taking full advantage of the position controlled movements.

For the first time, the Flow&Go® module provides the metrological basis for true volumetric process design. The continuous measuring principle enables digital evaluation of the volume in real time.


Calatogue, control & regulate

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